
Kontserdisari MADE No.

MADE No. on kontserdisari, mis sai alguse 2017. aastal eesmärgiga tutvustada laiemale avalikkusele meie rütmi- ja pärimusmuusika eriala tudengite erinevaid ansambleid. Kontseptsioon on lihtne — 5 nädalat järjest tehakse õppejõu juhendamisel tihedat tööd, millele järgneb kontsert. Hooaja jooksul antakse kokku 4 kontserti Viljandi linna erinevates saalides.

Aastal 2042 plaanime teha piduliku kontserdi MADE No. 100!

MADE No. kontserdeid korraldavad kultuurikorralduse õppekava tudengid.

Vaata ülekandeid SIIN.

Fotod Mailiis Laur


MADE No. is a concert series that started in 2017 with the aim of introducing various ensembles of our students of rhythm and traditional music to the wider public. The concept is simple – five weeks of hard work under a teacher's guidance is followed by a concert. During the season, a total of four concerts are performed at different halls in the town of Viljandi.

In the year 2042 we are planning to hold a gala concert MADE No. 100!

MADE No. concerts are organized by students of the cultural management speciality.

Watch the videos HERE.

Photos by Mailiis Laur