Taavet Jansen on etenduskunstide osakonna juhataja ja õppejõud.
Taavet on lõpetanud Tallinna Ülikooli koreograafia eriala ning Amsterdami Teatrikooli koreograafia-uue meedia magistriõppe. Ta on töötanud palju erinevates teatrites, loonud audiovisuaalseid lahendusi ja osalenud näitustel. Viljandi kultuuriakadeemias on ta etenduskunstide osakonna juhataja ja multimeedia eriala vastutav õppejõud. Taavet tegeleb eelkõige tantsu- ja tehnoloogia vaheliste suhetega, eksperimentaalse kunsti ja muusikaga.
„Mina olen ainult agent, kes näitab tudengitele paralleeluniversumi, kus inimestevahelised suhted, olukordadevahelised seosed ja asjade tähendused on muutuvad, ebausaldusväärsed ja suhtelised. Kokku tuleb aga etendus, kus kõik leiame oma koha!”
Foto Kris Moor
Taavet Jansen is a lecturer and the head of the performing arts department.
Taavet has graduated from Tallinn University as a choreographer and has a master's degree in choreography and new media from the Amsterdam School of the Arts. He has worked in many different theatres, created audiovisual solutions and participated in exhibitions.
In Viljandi Culture Academy, he is the head of the performing arts department and responsible for the multimedia specialty. Taavet is primarily involved in the relations between dance and technology, experimental art and music.
"I am the only agent who shows students a parallel universe, where interpersonal relationships, connections between situations and meanings of things are changeable, unreliable and relative. But it all comes together in a performance where we all find our place!"
Photo by Kris Moor